(fonte http://www.cromagnon-extremerace.net/it/)
Con molto dispiacere comunichiamo che la Direzione Generale del Parco Nazionale del Mercantour non autorizza il passaggio del Grand Raid International du Cro-Magnon 2013 attraverso il Parco. Lo stesso dicasi per il 2014.
Di conseguenza niente Cro-Magnon 2013. Ne siamo veramente desolati.
In novembre publicheremo un comunicato sulle conseguenze per il futuro del Cro a seguito della posizione negativa del Parco Nazionale.
Le Parc n’autorise pas le passage du CRO 2013
Avec beaucoup de regret nous communiquons que la Direction Générale du Parc National du Mercantour n’autorise pas le passage du Grand Raid International du Cro-Magnon 2013 à travers le Parc. De même pour 2014.
Par conséquent pas de Cro-Magnon 2013. Nous en sommes très désolés.
Courant novembre nous publierons un communiqué sur les conséquences pour l
e futur du Cro, suite à la position négative du Parc National.
The Park does not authorize the Cro 2013 to pass through.
To our big regret we announce that the General Manager of the Mercantour National Park does not authorize the passage of the Grand Raid International du Cro-Magnon 2013 through the Park. And for 2014 as well.
Consequently there cannot be a Cro-Magnon 2013. We are very sorry.
In November we will publish a communiqué on the consequences of this negative attitude of the National Park on the future of the Cro
The Park does not authorize the Cro 2013 to pass through.
To our big regret we announce that the General Manager of the Mercantour National Park does not authorize the passage of the Grand Raid International du Cro-Magnon 2013 through the Park. And for 2014 as well.
Consequently there cannot be a Cro-Magnon 2013. We are very sorry.
In November we will publish a communiqué on the consequences of this negative attitude of the National Park on the future of the Cro